
4 new companies join the “carré des partenaires”!

The INSA Centre Val de Loire has set up a new convention scheme entitled “Carré des partenaires” based on annual framework conventions formalising collaborations between the Institute and companies concerned, and specifying reciprocal commitments on the basis of a minimum financial support commitment. Collaborations may bear on a range of types of actions (trainee hosting, participation in the “Forum Entreprises”, professional help with teaching, technological services, sponsoring, etc.), with the INSA undertaking to promote companies’ brand images and give priority to their requests.

Companies joining the “Carré des partenaires” are enterprises with which the Centre-Val de Loire INSA has already collaborated. The Institute has already signed 6 "Carré des partenaires" conventions with Bosch, Innothera, Senior, Caillau, Daher and SII.

The 4 new companies (and their representatives) present for signature of the 14 January conventions are as follows:
Loïc COLIN, Chief Operations Officer
Bruno IMBAULT, Human Resources Manager

- EDF/CNPE Belleville sur Loire :
Hervé LEONARD, Human Resources Manager

- PSA Peugeot Citroën
Valérie CREIGNOU, responsible for School/University international partnerships and relations

- CREDIT AGRICOLE Centre Loire :
Christine PARAJEAU, vice-President of the Centre-Loire Crédit Agricole’s Board of Directors
Thierry GUILBON, responsible for professional and company network relations