Electronic resources
The INSA Centre Val de Loire is a member of Couperin. This consortium assesses and analyses its members’ needs and negotiates with publishers on the matter of electronic resources (www.couperin.org).
Local/Remote access
Encyclopaedia Universalis
With the Encyclopaedia Universalis you can access the full texts of articles in paper format, as well as the monthly special themes, key events occurring on a particular date and the countries' atlas.
Local access: http://www.universalis-edu.com
Remote access: http://auth.insa-cvl.fr
- BOURGES CAMPUS: LOGIN and Password identical to your session
- BLOIS CAMPUS - STUDENTS: LOGIN and Password identical to the ones you use to access your academic transcripts
- BLOIS CAMPUS - STAFF: LOGIN and Password identical to Cocktail
Exceptional access to a selection of over 3,500 articles form the national, regional, international, general and specialised press, as well as more than a thousand websites and blogs. Archives going back 25 years. Le Monde contents available on an exclusive basis.
For local access (by recognition of IP addresses):
For remote access (REFERER):
- BOURGES CAMPUS: LOGIN and Password identical to your session
- BLOIS CAMPUS - STUDENTS: LOGIN and Password identical to the ones you use to access your academic transcripts
- BLOIS CAMPUS - STAFF: LOGIN and Password identical to Cocktail
Techniques de l’ingénieur
Scientific and technical reference documentary base in French: 11 themes made up of 49 documentary units.
Remote access: http://auth.insa-cvl.fr
- BOURGES CAMPUS: LOGIN and Password identical to your session
- BLOIS CAMPUS - STUDENTS: LOGIN and Password identical to the ones you use to access your academic transcripts
- BLOIS CAMPUS - STAFF: LOGIN and Password identical to Cocktail
Local access
Le Petit Robert
Le Petit Robert: http://pr.bvdep.com
Direct access in english: http://grc.bvdep.com/?l=e
Le grand Robert & Collins
Le Grand Robert & Collins: http://grc.bvdep.com
Direct access in english: http://grc.bvdep.com/?l=e
(Articles dating back before 1996)
On the Link server of the Springer Link platform, the full texts of over 1550 multidisciplinary electronic journals can be accessed, published by Springer-Verlag, Kluwer and Maik Nauka.
Click on the “publisher link” on the left of the homepage
Science Direct
Science Direct Freedom Collection
The full text of over 2,200 articles can be accessed. Current subscription to journals since 2001 and new for 2014, an ISTEX national licence grants access to archives prior to 2001.
An information source for scientific, technical, and medical research. Subscription required for some sections.
The reef online, a team’s expertise at the service of builders
For over 20 years, the French Scientific and Technical Centre for Construction (CSTB) has been using the e-Reef to disseminate knowledge to building stakeholders by giving them easier access to technical and regulatory texts related to the construction sector: legislative texts, DTU standards, CPT, Heat regulations, Eurocodes and other standards.
It covers all construction-related themes including building techniques, regulatory requirements, works contracts and urban planning rules for all projects and works: new, renovation, rehabilitation, securing, maintenance and operation.
AFNOR standards
PDF files can only be opened using Internet Explorer!
Saga Web gives you access to the full texts of AFNOR, ISO and IEC standards as well as to the French and European technical regulations (JO, OJEU) depending on the scope of your subscription
De Gruyter
474 scientific journal articles published by De Gruyter from the outset to 2012.
748 scientific journal articles published by Sage from the outset to 2009.
Some 2,200 scientific journal articles published by Wiley from the outset to 2011.