Clubs & Societies
Clubs and societies at the INSA Centre Val de Loire are run through the Students Union (BDE). In practical terms, it organises all sorts of events, provides services and represents students and clubs & societies in local, regional and national bodies.

A legible associative organisation around the BDE
At INSA Centre Val de Loire, an extraordinary variety of activities is offered by student associations. Each student finds fulfillment. The BDE, present on a daily basis on campuses at the service of students. It is the guarantor of associative unity: an actor of influence and mutualisation for associations and a major interlocutor identified for stakeholders. Its legitimacy and independence are ensured by its administrators: the thematic associative poles.
The Germaine Tillion building opposite offers new spaces for student life and training, including offices and storage space for the Student Union and student associations, a soundproofed music room, a shared mechanics workshop with parking nearby, as well as a set of TD rooms and computer rooms.
Clubs & Societies on campuses
There are around twenty clubs & societies on the Centre-Val de Loire campuses covering five main areas of interest:

- Club INSArpège
- Insaction
- Comed'insa
- Insa'brasse
- Danc'insa
- L'association Printemps des Grandes Écoles
- Club œnologie
- Cuis'insa
- Club Basket/Football/Handball
- Club Cheerleading
- Club Badminton
- Club Boxe
- Club INSAil (voile)
- in partnership with clubs in Blois & Bourges: athletics, archery, tennis, rowing, dance, bodybuilding, rugby, ultimate, golf
- 5 Sommets 5 Continents
- Jard’INSA
- INSActifs
- R3 : Rencontrer, Réaliser, Réussir
- Insagénieuse
- Gree'nsa
- Club 4L Trophy
- Insa'roule
- Club Robotique
- Gam'insa
- Club ISI
Elected officials
JITS (Junior Enterprise)
INSA PP (curien school)
Find all the news of the INSA Centre Val de Loire associations on the Student Campus website: